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What's CherryPick anyway?

This is a new dating app where you can find exactly what you’re looking for. Find or create the perfect bunch for you.

Create a profile that’s uniquely you with photos, a bio and more.

Easily track matches and messages from all your bunches.

App Homepage Mockup

Check out what bunches are popular, unique groups that are 🔥, and easily find the bunches you’ve created.

Swipe on folks you’re interested in and watch sparks fly!

5 stars

It made me feel okay for being picky about what I want. It’s the validation I needed.

Follow us on Instagram @CherryPickApp

Tweet that reads, 'New dating App idea. Called 7.5. Only for people who are like a strong 7 maybe an 8 on a good day. Who look kinda athletic but would probably die if they had to run a mile. Have depression but the kind that makes you funny. Cars Check engine light is on. No one else is allowed'
Two girls hugging
Photo of text that reads, 'There is love out there that doesn't make you work so hard.
Holding hands with a heart